The longest battle of the Second World War was the Battle of the
Atlantic. It lasted from September 1939 until May 1945, thousands of seamen
died and millions of tons of shipping was sunk. The combat between the allied
convoys and the U-boats ebbed and flowed, with first one side on top and then
the other. Technology and tactics evolved at a startling rate, British
innovation and American manufacturing capacity ultimately triumphed, but not
without many travails and setbacks.
One of the key findings that the navies discovered was that if a
convoy escort group - usually four to six warships - had worked together
previously the lower the loss rate of merchantmen from the convoy. Even escort
groups comprising ships from different navies performed significantly better than
those that had ships from the same navy. It was the experience of working
together that was important not the common tradition or language.
This was such
a key factor that the British Admiralty insisted that all escort groups
undertake a realistic three day training exercise before every convoy sailing from
British ports, even if they had worked together before.
So what does this mean from a project viewpoint? Well it confirms
what last blog stressed; that teams are better than ad hoc groupings
cobbled together under the matrix management rubric. That time spent by the
team familiarizing themselves with the task and how it will be addressed before
the project starts is time well spent. A lot of projects do have a Kick Off
event, these are only valuable if they address the launch of the project and
who's doing what etc. However some are just glorified management ego trips -
'look at how smart we are to have got this project approved. Now don't you
workers go and screw it up, we'll be watching!' is their tone.
So get your project's shake down cruise - naval term - done as
soon as possible and if you can't have the same team always try to have a
comprehensive launch event and activities. Remember Briers law: it is never to
soon to start failing!
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