In 1962 Thomas Kuhn wrote his renowned book 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions' which among other things introduced us to the
"paradigm shift", a hackneyed phrase much beloved by dull managements
these days, but a significant new theme at the time.
Also in the book was the concept that the adherents of the old
way of looking at the world, the old paradigm, could not, with their previous
training and experience, understand the new way of looking at the world. This
inability to comprehend he termed as incommensurable, a clumsy word hardly
surprising it lost out to paradigm. One of the books findings was that the
adherents of the old paradigm are not so much converted to the new, but rather
they are submerged by it. They and their views die out.
So what has this to do with software management? A great deal is
the answer. Currently we have a major debate within the software project world
about whether we should use waterfall or agile planning and development
methods. Much ink has been spilt, and many strong positions taken. Definitely
there is a great deal of incommensurabling going on and the triumph of one over
the other is not on the horizon, far from it.
The problem for we project managers is that we are often called
upon to bridge the gap. To be translators at best, peace makers at worst,
between the disputing theologians. In addition we also have to communicate our
schedules to senior managers who are steeped in the point value world.
"Give me a date when this will finish and the next phase will start"
is their usual response to scheduling questions. Iterative development with its
vagaries and imprecision is a foreign land to them. Oh, they get the concepts
of the method but they can't break free of the point value mind set.
I had an example recently on a database project I'm managing. We
are using an iterative approach with scheduled releases of the database. The
later releases will be more a case of fine tuning the model rather than major
upgrades. The development, testing, and deployment will continue until the main
program is completed. The applications that will use the database understand
the approach and when they'll be able to use the new code for their development
So far so good, the techies understand what's going on. Now we
come to the incommensurable part, the executives managing the entire program.
They want everything on one chart -as an aside I think PowerPoint has a lot to
answer for in the ongoing process of dumbing down corporate executives -
everything has to have discrete start and end dates that line up with dependent
activities, they want waterfall. After
days of futile discussion, basically talking past each other, I gave them a
waterfall version. As they say in the espionage world it was a convenient
fiction, all that was missing was the traditional starting and finishing
phrases of children's fairy tales. Whether they'll all live happily ever after
is debatable, it is a software project after all.
The political learning point of this example is that you need to
understand the requirements of all of your audiences and accommodate them as
well as you can. Leave them comfortable with their illusions while you manage
your project in the most effective manner: Duplicitous yes, politic absolutely!
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