In the
Orientate phase of the OODA loop one of the elements to be considered is the
genetic make up of both yourself and your opponent. One aspect of that make up
is the mental energy level of yourself, your team, and your opponent during the
detailed in Kahneman's book "Fast and Slow thinking" indicates that
there is a clear linkage between mental energy and decision making. If someone or a group has been struggling with a difficult decision and then is asked
to consider a less difficult but still challenging problem they will not think
creatively about the matter. They are more likely to go with their default
attitude, revert to the norm as it were. Their mental energy or ego has been
You know
that it exists, just cast your mind back to a decision you made just after a
stressful discussion. Did you bring a fresh vigor to the decision or did you
either go with the prevailing opinion or accept the solution that was being
situation typically occurs during meetings with multiple items on the agenda.
If a group has struggled with a difficult problem or one with sharply divided
opinions then having solved that they have a reduced appetite for more
contention. If you have two or three contentious items in a row the mental energy
depletion is manifest and subsequent items will be given very short shift.
From a project managers viewpoint the trick is
that if you have to change opinions, to persuade, then you want your item high
on the agenda or on a meeting with few contentious items on it. On the other
hand if you want a decision rubber stamping then you put it late on a agenda,
when mental fatigue is at its highest. Also schedule meetings when not only
mental but physical energy is at its highest: early in a morning or in the early afternoon. Also if the meeting is dragging on and you can see
interest and energy waning then call a recess and give people a period to
recover. Unless of course you don't want them sharp!